Sports infrastructure needs assessment study for Ninove
What sports infrastructure is needed in Ninove?
CityD carried out a needs assessment study on sports infrastructure for the city of Ninove. The sports infrastructure facilities form the base for playing sports. It is therefore important that we provide the necessary insights.
The strategic multi-year plan (2020-2025) of the city of Ninove includes a theme related to 'Exercise in Ninove'. A strategic line was identified for each theme, to which a number of suggestions and actions in the long and short term were linked. These suggestions and actions were taken into account when carrying out the needs assessment study.
As part of the needs assessment study, CityD mapped existing sports infrastructure, but also examined which infrastructure is still needed in Ninove.
Sports infrastructure needs can be met by four types of infrastructure:
- indoor sports accommodation (sports halls, tennis halls, fitness centres, etc.);
- swimming pools;
- outdoor sports infrastructure (football fields, athletics track, hockey field, skate park, etc.);
- small-scale sports infrastructure (petanque fields, basketball fields, kicking fields, mini pitches, etc.).
Well-considered choices as a result
Based on the needs assessment study, the city of Ninove was able to make well-considered choices. A first choice was the sports hall: will we build a second sports hall or an extension to the current one? Furthermore, additional needs for sports infrastructure were identified so that the city council can make well considered decisions based on the insights from the report.
The study included several steps:
- Inventory and occupancy study of current sports infrastructure
- Demand analysis (sports participation statistics, socio-demographic analysis, sport trends…)
- Determining needs and requirements
- Vision workshop
- Development of a vision for the future
- Developing scenarios/policy visions
Sports are part of a dynamic city
Providing adequate sports infrastructure is socially relevant for a city or municipality. It is important that residents have access to a modern and ecological sports infrastructure in their municipality/city. This benefits both sports and club life, as well as the health of the residents. In addition, sports infrastructure is also an important urban pacesetter with a positive influence on other urban functions in the area such as schools, clubs, catering establishments, shops, etc.
CityD strengthens local and regional dynamics based on targeted research, clear visions and, above all, an executable package of measures. Our work focuses, among other things, on tourism and leisure, which also includes sports infrastructure. Our ultimate goal is to make the living environment attractive for residents, visitors and companies.
Does your city or municipality also require a needs assessment study to gain insights into the demands in a specific theme? Do you want to develop a policy vision regarding sports? CityD strengthens local and regional dynamics so that we create attractive centres and regions. Creating vibrant places for happy people! You will find more information under our Tourism and leisure pillar. Contact us for a no-obligation (digital) appointment!
"Platform Binnenstadsmanagement": mobility and spending survey report 2024
CityD-WES collaborated as a partner of the "Platform Binnenstadsmanagement" (Dutch-Flemish Inner City Management Platform) on the 2024 Mobility and Spending Survey. The report has just been published on the Platform's website. The results provide valuable insights into the relationship between mobility and economy in city centre areas of the Netherlands and Flanders.
How CityD sees local policy orientations
The economic principles from the Flemish coalition agreement are translated to the local policy level. Jan Boots gives suggestions and examples. We do this from our knowledge of urban dynamics. Welcome to the dynamic city!
CityD and VVSG investigate budget and utilisation rate of the economic departments
The Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) and CityD presented the results of the survey in which 241 cities and municipalities participated. We assessed various facets within the economic departments of cities and municipalities. The results are striking to say the least, with working points, but also a hopeful evolution.
CityD supports Rwanda with urban development and tourism
Rwanda is an economically fast-growing country in the heart of Africa. With the support of FIT (Flanders Investment & Trade), CityD went on site to explain development visions for urban development and tourism. The expansion around Kigali and the Cyclism 2025 World Cup requires our expertise in the field of allocation policy, area management and sustainable (bicycle) tourism.
Mobility in commercial areas also political issue
Mobility plays a big role in defining ‘vibrant’ or ‘lively’ commercial areas. That it would suddenly also become an election issue is rather surprising. However, there is often a big gap between political wishful thinking and the reality of the day. A look at mobility and politics from our 'centre management' and 'city marketing' pillar, through the eyes of CEO Jan Boots.
Retail vision for Ostend
Ostend, a famous coastal and shopping city. CityD examines the future of retail across the boundaries of policy areas. With a spatial perspective and taking into account residents, visitors and tourists who spend the night in Ostend, a clear vision and concrete action plan are developed on the basis of this analysis.
Opinion: Commercial property rents fall while cadastral incomes rise. Is this correct?
How do you determine the rent of a commercial property in times when vacant properties dominate many commercial centres? Can you still use the annually indexed cadastral income as a benchmark? Kirsten, Mathias and Jan from CityD gathered insights and show how to combat vacancy.
CityD and Platform Binnenstadsmanagement build a strong inner city through board game
CityD is a partner of Platform Binnenstadsmanagement, which brings together Dutch and Flemish cities and municipalities around inner city themes. How do you openly and honestly discuss cooperation in your inner city? We test this cooperation interactively and playfully with the board game ‘Building a strong inner city’!
Summer networking: how to build strong business park associations together!
Business park associations bring many benefits both to local governments and companies. How to achieve this and how to create a business park association? CityD is happy to help you! Start with networking this summer! We wish you a happy summer and look forward to working together on a strong and connected business park! ☀️
We dive into the summer independently (of the weather!)
Will we have a typical Belgian summer or will we be able to enjoy sun and beach? We cannot answer that, but fortunately we can answer other research questions. With our brands DataD and CityD, we will gladly get to work for you, during or after the summer. We wish you happy holidays!
Area management in Houthalen-Helchteren
For the Europark and Centrum-Zuid business parks, CityD organised two workshops in Houthalen-Helchteren. Based on the input from the workshops, area-specific actions are drawn up. The actions are worked out together with and for the entrepreneurs, because area management on a business park is team work.
CityD member of Tungri Awards jury in Tongeren
Tongeren puts the spotlights on local entrepreneurs and honours them for their work and commitment. CityD, which provides advisory support to the local economy department, is also member of the jury. The Tungri Awards will be granted on October 24, 2024. Nominating a business for any of the four categories is still possible until July 31.
Press launch City marketing Eeklo
The city marketing plan for Eeklo was presented to the press. Through a participative process, CityD and Supermoon developed a supported vision of Eeklo's identity, determined the brand essence and positioning, and worked out promotional actions. Eeklo is a city on the move and Eeklo moves you!
Looking for a business park manager? Then you've come to the right place at CityD!
A sustainable and future-proof business park? The focus is not only on the use of the plots, but also on the possible synergies between the companies themselves. So an overall approach with one connecting force: the business park manager. CityD's business park manager is the right choice!
Willebroek, where CityD enhances the image quality of the commercial core and strengthens cooperation between traders
Willebroek wants to strengthen its commercial core and improve cooperation between all traders. CityD was commissioned to make agreements on image quality and appearance of the city centre and will work out connecting actions with the traders, across language and origin boundaries.
Reallocation Day (12.05.2024) highlights importance of reallocation as the way forward
CityD carries out reallocation studies through a participatory process, together with the client, stakeholders, experts and architect. A new future for existing buildings, that's what we believe in!
CityD analyses the spatial and economic evolution of publicly accessible functions
VLAIO (the Flemish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Agency) builds the lively centres of the future. What policy is needed around public-oriented functions to build resilient commercial and providing centres? CityD analyses the public-oriented offer, tests existing policy, examines developments and formulates recommendations.
CityD partners on "Dag voor de Binnenstad"(Inner-city day) and "Week van de Samenwerking" (Cooperation Week)
On April 11 2024, Lier, Ede and Arnhem (the Netherlands) were chosen as winners of 'Meest Inspirerende Binnenstadsproject' (Most Inspiring Inner-city Project) during the Inner-city Day. CityD is a jury member in the election and also followed the 'Week van de Samenwerking' (Cooperation Week), two initiatives of the Platform Binnenstadsmanagement. The CityD pillars 'Centre Management & City Marketing' and 'Trade & Hotel catering industry' are perfectly in line with this.
CityD testifies that Working Together Works during the event "West-Vlaamse Winkelier"
During the event West-Vlaamse Winkelier (West Flemish shopkeeper), CityD delivered the keynote 'Working together Works', in which they called upon traders to cooperate more. The evening was organised around the initiative 'de Winkelsterren van je buurt' (Your neighbourhood's Shopping Stars). CityD guided traders' associations, cities and municipalities in setting up and rolling out their action.
The importance of supra-local allocation plans and the CityD support on request of VLAIO
How can local authorities strike a balance between the growing demand for space on business parks and the need for sustainable use? The call launched by VLAIO (The Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship) to support supra-local allocation policies offers an answer. CityD is part of the consortium that will be assisting local authorities with this and is happy to help you with this exciting task.
Support for traders in Heist-op-den-Berg via digital gift voucher and new branding
Being a local economy consultant, CityD has been supporting Heist-op-den-Berg in terms of centre management since early 2022. An annual action plan and personal guidance are the basis for successful trade in the centre and the surrounding areas. The Heistbon was launched and shopping was rebranded.
Strengthening the shopping landscape in Lommel thanks to new Jumbo
CityD conducted additional research regarding the food sector in Lommel. The reason was the opening of a branch of supermarket Jumbo. A screening showed why a supermarket at this particular location could be an added value for the nearby town centre, but especially for the inhabitants of Lommel and suburbs.
Opinion: boosting entrepreneurship with 'Win Your Business' competitions
Successful "win your business" competitions give start-ups a big financial boost or even premises for free for a year. What lies behind the success of these promotions? Why is personal coaching necessary? Read the opinion piece by Jan Boots, CEO of CityD-WES
CityD-WES reflects on 2023 and looks forward to 2024
In 2023 we will further roll out our CityD and DataD brands. CityD strengthens local and regional dynamics. DataD is an expert in market research & marketing strategy. 2023 was a busy year and in 2024 will continue to assist companies, organizations and governments in their growth and development.
CityD coaches traders' association Izegem with successful sticker campaign
CityD coached traders in Izegem with a successful sticker campaign: 100 participating merchants, 250,000 stickers and 775 full sticker books. Traders were assisted with the practical implementation, posts on social media and inspired to develop their own initiatives.
CityD and Idea investigate the spatial evolution of publicly accessible functions in Flanders
CityD advises on the tension between space and function. A bustling core requires transition, spatial organisation and good accessibility to be successful and future-proof. CityD investigates the spatial evolution of publicly accessible functions in Flanders.
Entrepreneurship, core strengthening and retail policy prevail at CityD
CityD's CEO Jan Boots was a guest at events and seminars on entrepreneurship, core strengthening and retail policy. These included the Entrepreneurship Summit of Minister Jo Brouns and VLAIO, the BSM in Turnhout and the Q&A session at Unizo Limburg with ministers Peeters and Brouns.
Promotional contribution from traders Peer results in other attractive promotions
For years the trade association in Peer HHOP! has been the driving force for activities that benefit the commercial core. A promotional contribution has been introduced since this year (until 2025). This results in attractive additional promotions. CityD colleague Silvie Vandewijer ensures that everything runs smoothly.
Throwback to international training programmes
For more than 35 years, international training programmes on tourism were organized in our office in Bruges for organizations in developing countries (Asia, Africa and Latin America). After almost 30 years, the Thai Wew and Puk return to Bruges. It was a happy reunion!
Final phase vision formulation for Houthalen-Helchteren and Heusden-Zolder area management
Developing liveable and accessible industrial estates with local companies. That is the aim of the study that was developed within the complex North-South Limburg project. CityD is part of the consortium that - now that the vision has been drawn up - will further be responsible for its realization.
Reallocation St. Joseph's Church Roeselare ensures positive neighbourhood dynamics
Nearly 1800 Roman Catholic churches in Flanders, but barely 5% of the inhabitants visit them. Governments are looking for re-use options for this valuable heritage. VOKA Vastgoed West and East Flanders and our colleague Pascal Steeland (CityD-WES) visited St. Joseph's Church in Roeselare.
CityD informs entrepreneurs about the transition of industrial estates via Voka Limburg
Voka Limburg started a platform for local economy and invited CityD to explain the transition within industrial estates. The area management in central Limburg is an excellent example, because all aspects are covered. Our experts are also happy to assist you with transition issues.
CityD benchmarks castle restaurants for Visit Flanders
The rich heritage tradition in Flanders presents governments with the challenge of finding a new use for that heritage. Are castle restaurants a good option for castles? CityD conducted a benchmark at home and abroad that undoubtedly provides interesting insights.
CityD guides Oudsbergen in city marketing
City marketing literally means 'promoting a city'. In Oudsbergen, CityD provided an attractive positioning with an emphasis on a powerful, connecting identity. Other cities and municipalities went through a city marketing and centre management process with us.
Interweaving is indispensable in spatial economics and area development
At CityD we help governments develop a policy vision for the economy tailored to the city, region or industrial estate. Interweaving ensures work locations that take the residential fabric into account. Read more about our projects, available toolboxes and a possible plan of action.